We are the positive voice for Nova Scotia’s Rental Housing Providers.
About Us
Established in 1978, The Rental Housing Providers Nova Scotia (RHPNS) is the collective voice representing residential investment property owners. When RHPNS speaks on industry issues industry stakeholders listen.
RHPNS primary focus is providing members with Advocacy, Education, Membership Services programs.
RHPNS Investment property owner members have over 45,000 apartment rental units under management throughout Nova Scotia. And are vital economic and philanthropic contributors in the communities in which they live and operate their businesses.
Representing the interests of Nova Scotia’s residential property owners through the deliverance of Advocacy, Education and Membership Services intiatives that provide members with tangible long-term benefits.

Over 160 Members and Climbing!
Join with confidence knowing RHPNS is the collective positive voice representing residential landlords!
INSight Multi-Res News
Hansard Transcripts
Hansard Transcripts Hansard Transcripts are the official report of what was said in the House of Assembly Friday, March 7, 2025 Lina Hamid, NDP: RTA: Protections for IPV Survivors - Enhance Minister Jill Balser's response in a CBC news article: After spate of intimate...
University Rents
Students decry 'shameful' 25% rate increase at Halifax university residence Atlantic School of Theology says it will still have lowest rates in the city Post-secondary students living in the residence at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax were shocked by a...
Affordable Housing
What experts say Nova Scotia can do to preserve our stock of affordable rental housing Province rapidly losing some of its most affordable apartments A recent CBC News analysis found that Nova Scotia is rapidly losing some of its most affordable apartments, but...
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