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Residential Building Service Excellence Course

Service is defined as conducting an action for value creation for the benefit of someone else. As service becomes a crucial part of life for people, it is important to not only have good service in place but also understand that residents expect excellent service.

Time Commitment: 30 hours of combined asynchronous and synchronous instruction over six-weeks

Courses Start Times and Days: 7:00 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays​

Location: ONLINE

Certificate: Certificate of Successful Completion

Start Date: May 13, 2025

End Date: June 19, 2025

Facilitator: Amanda R. Knight

Course Description
This RHPNS’ NSCC developed course provides residential property professionals with awareness and skills in delivering knowledgeable, valuable, and respectful service in the conduct of their work in building operations. The course focuses on taking responsibility and pride in their work to enhance their reputation and the reputation of property owners. The RBSE course provides students with the best communication practices and principles to present a professional image for their properties’ reputation by ensuring residents have a safe and comfortable living environment.

Why Take This Course
In today’s competitive environment, the need to provide customer service excellence has never been greater. Providing residents with customer service excellence presents many opportunities and challenges for staff and contractors to be proactive in the resolving obstacles they confront while conducting their daily routine tasks.

Learning Modules
Modules are delivered by seasoned industry professionals considered experts in their associated field.

  • Effective Communications
  • Professional Standards & Documentation
  • Security & Entry Systems
  • Heating Systems
  • Building Envelope
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Pest Control Best Practices
  • Fire Prevention & Safety

Online Format
Online teaching takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays over a six-week period. Materials to be delivered in 12 hours of asynchronous learning with 18 hours of synchronous to allow completion of assignments and participant collaboration and discussions.

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Property Owners
  • Property Managers
  • Operations & Maintenance Managers
  • Maintenance Technicians
  • Residential Managers
  • Building Superintendents
  • Former Residential Property Management Course Graduates

Course Cost
Members: $895
Non-members: $995
**15% GST will be applied to the course cost.


Kevin Russell
Executive Director



Online – Residential Property Management Course


For 2024, there are significant format changes to the RPM course compared to previous offerings. These changes are based on feedback from course evaluation surveys submitted by former students.

This year RHPNS will be allowing applicants to take all three course or choose individual or multiple courses of your choice. Applicants will have the opportunity to complete selected courses in the current or the option to select and complete any remaining courses in a year of choice.

A Nova Scotia Community College Certificate of Achievement will be provided for each course successfully completed. Applicants that complete all three courses will receive an RHPNS Certificate of Completion in addition to the NSCC Certificate of Achievement received for successfully completing individual courses. The change in certification means starting in 2024 education transcripts will no longer be required to enroll in the courses being offered.

The three courses being offered are:

Legal Resources and Residential Property Management Standards (30 hours) – October 7, 2024, to November 7, 2024
This course assists participants in understanding the Nova Scotia Residential Act and its impact on your operations and how you perform your job. Participants will learn the importance of property maintenance and risk management, as well as identifying the purpose and legal resources required for residential property management, such as the Human Rights Act, Employment Equity Act, and Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Visit Learning Objectives to learn more.

Human Relations for Residential Property Managers (20 hours) – November 26, 2024, to December 19, 2024
This course will assist participants in applying effective best practices for tenant relations, as well as managing their team. Participants will learn how to resolve tenant issues, apply customer service strategies, as well as understand the steps in the employee recruitment and selection process and the basics of performance management.

NOTE: Participants taking this course must have successfully completed the Legal Resources and Residential Property Management Standards to enroll.
Visit Learning Objectives to learn more.

Marketing and Financial Planning for Residential Property Managers (20 hours) – January 13, 2025, to February 6, 2025.
This course will assist participants to apply marketing concepts assist maintaining occupancy, such as market analysis and planning, as well as how to effectively manage property budgets using different strategies and tools.
Visit Learning Objectives to learn more.

Learning Format
Classes will be held online at 6:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, featuring up to 2 hours of synchronous learning (in class) and 1 to 2 hours of asynchronous learning for completing projects and assignments. Sessions will be recorded and made available on NSCC’s Brightspace for later viewing, aiding with assignments or accommodating those who miss a class.

Enrollment is limited to 25 participants, with seating available on a first-come, firstserved basis.

Legal Resources and Residential Property Management Standards
Member: $850.  Non-Member: $1,100

Human Relations for Residential Property Managers
Member: $600   Non-Member: $750

Marketing and Financial Planning for Residential Property Managers
Member: $300   Non-Member: $450

20% Discount
Take all three courses receive a 20% discount

Member: $1,750       Non-Member: $2,000
Discount: $370         Discount: $400
Total: $1,400            Total: $1,600


**15% GST will be applied to the course cost.

The 2024 course has reached full enrollment of 25 participants. Spots may open up as registration concludes. If you’re interested in joining the waitlist for the 2024 course, please click on the Join Waitlist button. Should a spot become available, we’ll contact you. For any questions, please reach out to Kevin Russell at or call 902.789.0946.

I Rent It Right



Learn More:

Course Cost
Members: $50.00
Non-Members: $60.00
Volume discounts available contact RHPNS.
**15% GST will be applied to the course cost.

To Register:

Corporate Sponsors