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Event: Equilibrium Engineering – Energy Benchmarking

Date: April 14, 2021

Energy costs money. Energy reduction at your facilities shows up directly on the bottom line. In order to manage energy we need to measure it.

Equilibrium Engineering’s Will Marshall presents a high-level presentation on how to create an energy benchmark for buildings to manage energy costs and put more dollars on the bottom line.

To view event recording, click here.

To view the webinar slide deck, click here.

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We are Rental Housing Providers Nova Scotia (RHP-NS). Formerly the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia (IPOANS), our new name more closely captures what our members do – provide rental housing for Nova Scotians. Members of Rental Housing Providers Nova Scotia represent a sector that is the number one source of rental housing in the province. Join us to make your voice heard to deliver housing solutions.