Court awards tenant $15K after landlord damaged toy car collection
A Nova Scotia tenant has been awarded $16,217 by a Halifax small claims court — including $15,000 for damage to his toy car collection — after the landlord appealed a smaller amount awarded in a previous judgment.
A residential tenancies hearing decision issued in January denied landlord Assad Chedrawe’s application to terminate the tenancy of Wesley McLaughlin in 2022.
In that hearing, residential tenancies officer Jason Wareham also determined that the landlord had violated the Residential Tenancies Act by changing the locks, packing up the tenants items and starting minor repairs on the premises in June 2022.
McLaughlin was awarded $1,371 for his security deposit, moving expenses and furniture damage and loss.
His claim of $15,000 to $20,000 for damage caused to a toy car collection in his apartment was initially denied because he did not provide “professional appraisal” to prove his loss. …[Read More]