Tenants fear for future as their Charlottetown apartment complex starts turning into condos
New landlord selling off at least some units as condos, tenants found out in note
Residents of the Waterview Heights complex in Charlottetown are worried about having to look for new housing in the wake of some major changes.
The rental complex near Spring Park has changed hands and the buildings are being turned into condominiums.
Residents were given paper notices from the landlord that said in part: “We have some vacant units that will be sold first. Additionally, we are asking interested tenants to reach out at this time if they wish to explore the possibility of owning their unit.” The note then gave a local real estate agent’s name and number.
Kim Mears is one of the tenants who voiced concerns Tuesday evening at an informal gathering that included some provincial politicians. She said the uncertainty of what could happen scares her. …[Continue Reading]