Ursula Prossegger – Landlords shut out
Last year, I wrote to The Chronicle Herald about the challenges landlords like me face.
- We must pay our taxes, regardless of whether tenants pay rent;
- We bear all the risk in financing, operating, and maintaining housing;
- There are no government-imposed “controls” or “caps” on the costs landlords are expected to pay — among them taxes, insurance, labour and repairs.
Twelve months ago, I expressed my doubts that anything would change, as very few of the politicians and reporters have had to own or operate a rental housing building. So, the media coverage and the political decisions on housing would continue to be based on getting votes or getting headlines — not policy decisions that are fair and reflect the lived experience of those of us who work so hard to provide affordable rental housing.
Since I wrote my letter last year, the government changed. A new premier came to office and promised to consult with those of us who work in rental housing.
Sadly, Premier Tim Houston broke two promises: he extended the previous Liberal government’s rent cap, and he didn’t consult with us before doing so. …[Read More]