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Over 1 In 10 of Canada’s Non-Resident Real Estate Owners Have Multiple Properties

Non-resident investors find Canada’s real estate markets so nice they’re buying it twice…  or thrice, sometimes more. Data from the Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP) shows substantial non-resident homeownership. Not new, but what is surprising is the share of non-residents, who have income tax obligations in another country, that owned multiple homes in 2020. Over 1 in 10 non-resident homeowners across Canada owned at least two properties

Non-Resident Investment Isn’t Just A BC or Ontario Issue, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Are Feeling It Too

The CHSP is still wrangling data and includes 5 provinces and 2 territories at this point. It might not be a full picture, but it’s enough to show this isn’t just a Toronto or Vancouver issue. Just over 1 in 8 (13.8%) of Nova Scotia’s non-resident homeowners owned multiple properties. The province leads when it comes to the share of its non-residents that are investors. …[Read More]