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The address by IPOANS Executive Director to the Law Amendments Committee.

Remarks on Bill 339
Law Amendments Committee
October 23, 2023

Mr. Chair and members of the Law Amendments Committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak today on Bill 339, amendments to the Financial Measures Act.
It’s an honour to speak on behalf of the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia – more commonly known as IPOANS.
IPOANS members are women and men who work hard to provide quality rental housing to Nova Scotians.
Private sector rental housing providers are the largest single source of rental housing in Nova Scotia…
And they are the largest single source of affordable rental housing in Nova Scotia.
Many rental housing providers are struggling in Nova Scotia.
Every day I get phone calls and emails from rental housing providers.
They are tired.  They are hurting.  They feel ignored by their government.
They feel targeted by politicians that want to use them as scapegoats to win votes.
Remember – more than 80% of rental housing providers are sole proprietors.
They own and operate their buildings.
And they are struggling because rent control causes them to lose money. …[Continue Reading]