IPOANS appeared before HRM’s Board of Police Commissioners, advocating for adequate funding for HRPD.
Statement by Kevin Russell
HRM Board of Police Commissioners
February 7, 2024
Mayor, Councillors, Commissioner Kent, Members of the Board of Police Commissioners
Thank you for the opportunity to present on the proposed 2024-2025 Police budget.
The Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia (IPOANS) has been the voice of responsible private sector rental housing providers since 1978.
Our members reflect the diversity of those in the private sector who provide rental housing in Halifax Regional Municipality – from large organizations owning thousands of units to smaller operators for whom this is their sole livelihood.
I would like to begin by quoting from my January 24, 2024, budget presentation to Mayor and Councillors.
“To conclude, the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia does want to support one expenditure increase.
Policing is a core service of municipal government.
Our members – and many tenants who live in our member properties – are facing increased threats of violence from bad tenants who break the law, destroy property and threaten staff and/or other tenants.
Many of the owners and staff who are threatened are women, newcomers and racialized persons.
We need our policing services properly supported so when someone breaks the law, someone is available to take the call and respond.” …[Continue Reading]