N.S. government unveils details of new housing agency
Housing minister will have ultimate oversight
Nova Scotia’s minister responsible for housing released the details of a new agency to oversee public housing in the province, and he’s keeping control within government.
Housing Minister John Lohr tabled legislation Thursday that will amalgamate the five regional housing authorities and dissolve their boards in favour of a new Crown corporation with an advisory board that is ultimately answerable to the minister.
“At the end of the day, as minister, I’m the one who answers to the legislature for the questions about what’s happening, and future ministers will,” Lohr told reporters.
The new Nova Scotia Provincial Housing Agency is intended to modernize provincial housing programs and increase accountability. A recent report by the auditor general flagged concerns about inconsistencies between housing authorities in dealing with applications and waiting lists, along with shortcomings in their oversight.
“Frankly, we owe it to our tenants and to all Nova Scotians to manage our properties more effectively and efficiently. …[Read More]