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What Will Happen To Liberal Housing Policies After Trudeau’s Resignation?

With Conservatives firmly leading the polls, we may have mere months with a Liberal government. What’s next for federal housing policy is very much so up in the air.

It’s been quite the run for Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, who announced on Monday morning that he will be stepping down after a historic but increasingly polarizing tenure. Trudeau told the press that Parliament has been “paralyzed” and “entirely seized by obstruction and filibustering and a total lack of productivity over the past few months,” citing his exit from the role as a way to “reset.”

Trudeau has come under fire in recent years especially for his management (or, mismanagement, as some would argue) of the country as it faced pressures brought on by unbridled immigration, soaring inflation, and a worsening housing crisis (amongst more).

Speaking just to the housing aspect: despite plans and targets designed with the housing crisis in mind, and millions (and in some cases, billions) funnelled into programs like the Apartment Construction Loan Program, Affordable Housing Fund, Housing Accelerator Fund, and Rapid Housing Initiative, housing has remained unaffordable and unaccessible, and the Trudeau government has absorbed the blame. (On that note, here’s a rundown of what happened, and didn’t happen, under Trudeau on the housing file.) …[Continue Reading]