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Fares to build apartment complex in Liverpool

Renowned for his prominent land developments in Dartmouth, Francis Fares has decided to add his footprint to Queens County.

Fares, owner of Dartmouth-based Fares & Co. Dev. Inc., recently purchased waterfront property in Liverpool from Upper Deck Developments. The property is located behind Bristol Hall and will be the location of a 36-unit apartment building near Mersey and Bristol Avenues.

Fares sees it as an opportune time to invest on the South Shore.

“I believe there is room for economic growth in rural Nova Scotia. It’s becoming, with this pandemic, a desirable place to go and I believe there is a need for good clean housing right now,” he said in a phone interview. “There’s a lot of people retiring and they don’t want to mow the lawn or move the snow. They would rather live in a good building that is safe and secure with all of the amenities.”… [Read More]