More than 6,000 residential units planned in Bedford Commons development
BEDFORD, N.S. — A developer is pitching 27 buildings between six and 33 storeys tall for the Bedford Commons.
When complete, it would mean a new neigbhourhood with 6,216 residential units, plus plenty of commercial.
“This is the first step,” said Coun. Tim Outhit (Bedford – Waverley) at Halifax regional council on Tuesday.
The application submitted by Fathom Studio, on behalf of BANC Group, lays out the vision for this area which is now home to vacant land, commercial properties, and low-density residential.
Council approved a motion on Tuesday to start the process to consider amendments to planning strategies and a land-use bylaw to enable the mixed-use development and move forward with public participation.
Infrastructure and wildlife corridor concerns
The area located between Highway 102, Rocky Lake Drive, the Bedford Bypass and Duke Street is considered an “opportunity site,” designated by the Regional Plan. Outhit said this area has always made sense for residential development but there have been concerns about the strain on the local infrastructure. He said the Burnside connector will be a big help for sure.
“We’re certainly got to have to make sure other levels of government help us with the overcrowded and aging schools in the area and of course we’ve got to make sure that transit is available in that area,” he said, adding that there is little to no public transportation in that area now. …[Continue Reading]