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2021 Nova Scotia Election Survey – Party Leaders Responses to IPOANS Questions
Party Leaders Election Surveys [View Resource]
5 major Canadian housing REITs launch
In the face of a federal government plan to re-examine the tax treatment of real estate investment trusts (REITs), and economic conditions which make it increasingly challenging to build affordable housing in major urban markets, five of Canada’s. . . [View Resource]
8 per cent property tax increase recommended for HRM
City staff are recommending an eight per cent increase for residential and commercial property taxes for next year. [View Resource]
After a year, Berlin’s experiment with rent control is a failure
“I worry about Berlin,” says Rolf Buch, a born and bred Rhinelander. The chief executive of Vonovia, Europe’s biggest residential-property firm, thinks that the city’s policy of capping rents has achieved little good, but caused severe collateral. . . [View Resource]
Apartment tax assessments skyrocket as Halifax prepares to raise taxes
Over the last eight years, the value of apartment tax assessments has jumped 66 per cent, more than any other sector in the province. [View Resource]
Berlin’s Rent Control Effort: A One-Year Lookback
Rent control, touted as a strategy to protect residents from rising house prices stemming from demand far surpassing supply, has backfired, according to Bloomberg opinion columnist Andreas Kluth in “Berlin’s Rent Controls Are Proving to Be a. . . [View Resource]
Better enforcement of tenant/landlord law needed from Nova Scotia government
Laws that are supposed to protect property owners and tenants from abuse need better enforcement from the Nova Scotia government. [View Resource]
Bill 30 – Law Amendments
Because there are some new members to this Committee and to the Legislature, before I speak to Bill 30, I would like to share some background about IPOANS – the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia. [View Resource]
Bill 62 – Law Amendments
Remarks on Bill 62
Law Amendments Committee
November 1, 2021 [View Resource]
Chender NDP uses false and misleading rental info
HALIFAX – NDP Leader Claudia Chender claims in last Thursday’s
televised debate that rents in Nova Scotia have gone up 70% are
false. [View Resource]
City-wide effects of new housing supply: Evidence from moving chains
Housing affordability is a major issue in most cities throughout the world. A large body of economic research argues that this is due to shortages in housing supply driven by local regulatory restrictions (e.g. Glaeser and Gyourko 2018). [View Resource]
Commentary: Nova Scotia already has a law to protest tenants when renovations occur
What’s missing is enforcement and support for tenants
By Kevin Russell
Jacqueline Porter’s latest guest column in the Chronicle Herald (“Houston government could outlaw renovictions, but looks away,” March 29) leaves out a lot of relevant facts about. . . [View Resource]
DAVID RAPSON: Rent control is not the answer
Halifax is booming, which is a blessing and a curse. Even before the pandemic, population growth was straining the housing supply. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard “vacancy rates on the peninsula are less than one per cent.”. . . [View Resource]
Fear campaigns puts housing solutions at risk
False claims from activists about the impact of Nova Scotia returning to a highly regulated, market-based system of setting rents are putting housing solutions at risk. [View Resource]
Finding housing solutions by working together
When Nova Scotians talk about housing, the conversation can take on many different forms. With expectations that Nova Scotians will be voting in elections soon — both provincially and federally — the more information on housing that can be in the. . . [View Resource]
Five ideas to improve housing affordability & long-term tenancy
Regardless of who wins the next election, Nova Scotia rental property owners are hoping for positive action to improve the availability of affordable housing for Nova Scotians. [View Resource]
FP AD Media Release
Nova Scotia investment property owners are speaking out against notices of unfair rental increases being sent out to tenants. [View Resource]
Halifax Regional Council slams the door on public input on $1.2 million landlord registry
Despite Halifax Regional Municipality staff telling Mayor Mike Savage, “We haven’t spoken with landlords recently,” Halifax Regional Council overwhelmingly rejected holding a public hearing on its proposed $1.2 million landlord registry. [View Resource]
Has The Rental Crisis Hit Rock Bottom?
The Saturday Huddle is a weekly column that features opinion, analysis, and reflections on Huddle stories, podcasts, and business news in the region. Derek Montague is a Huddle reporter based in Halifax. [View Resource]
How luxury apartment buildings help low-income renters
When affordable housing activists see “luxury” apartment buildings going up in gentrifying neighborhoods they sometimes assume that the apartment buildings are causing the rents to go up. Back in 2015, for example, activists called for a moratorium. . . [View Resource]
HRM Tax Hike November 2022
Halifax Regional Municipality’s proposed 8% tax hike for its upcoming budget will make the city’s housing crisis worse, said Kevin Russell, Executive Director of the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia. [View Resource]
HRM Tax Release
Halifax Regional Municipality’s proposal to increase residential and commercial property taxes by 5.9% will be one more blow against rental housing providers, especially small business owner/operators. [View Resource]
Increased Insurance Rates
Nova Scotia investment rental property owners under attack from politicians and activist groups are now facing their best financed opponent yet: insurance companies. [View Resource]
Investment property owners aim to counter anti-landlord sentiment
Halifax is booming, which is a blessing and a curse. Even before the pandemic, population growth was straining the housing supply. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard “vacancy rates on the peninsula are less than one per cent.”. . . [View Resource]
Investment property owners believe rent control is here to stay
More than 90% of investment property owners don’t believe the government’s promise that the 2% rent cap will be lifted at the end of 2023. [View Resource]
IPOANS Fair Rent Ad
Fair Rent Ad by IPOANS [View Resource]
Is rent control making a comeback?
The 1970s sparked some cultural trends that have since fallen out of favor, such as disco and platform shoes. Among housing economists, the 1970s are infamous as the decade that a smattering of U.S. cities adopted or expanded rent regulations. Since. . . [View Resource]
KEVIN RUSSELL: Rent-control decree will drive out landlords — and tenants — in Nova Scotia
Many Nova Scotians who don’t own rental property might be asking themselves: why does it matter? [View Resource]
Landlord registry a $1 million gimmick that will worsen housing crisis
Halifax Regional Municipality’s proposed landlord registry will do nothing to solve the housing crisis and further punishes rental housing providers who must be part of the solution. [View Resource]
Landlords looking for co-operation, not confrontation.
We are now two months into facing the economic impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
More than 50,000 Nova Scotians have lost their jobs.
During a time of economic crisis, the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia (IPOANS). . . [View Resource]
Landlords Worry Rent Cap, Heating Costs Will Drive Mass Rental Unit Sell-Off
The subject of home heating costs has ignited across Canada as winter creeps around the corner, and the federal carbon tax soon to take effect in various provinces. It’s also an issue top of mind for Halifax landlords. [View Resource]
Legislature coming back with no solutions for housing
Rental housing providers are worried that proposed solutions to the housing crisis will continue to be ignored in the upcoming sitting of the Nova Scotia legislature. [View Resource]
Media Release NDP 08/09/21
Gary Burrill and the NDP suggesting that investment property owners aren’t “real people” is inflammatory and divisive. [View Resource]
Media Release Rent Control August 12
NDP Leader Gary Burrill is not telling the truth about the impact of rent control across Canada, said Kevin Russell, executive director of the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia (IPOANS). [View Resource]
New Year, Same Problems for Rental Housing Providers As Costs Continue to Skyrocket
The New Year continues to bring more of the same for Nova Scotia’s rental housing providers. Natural gas rates are going up by 43 per cent on January 31. Rental housing providers have no way to recover these increased costs due to the Nova Scotia. . . [View Resource]
Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission
The Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission is looking at the current state of affordable housing in Nova Scotia and has been mandated to identify sustainable, and actionable long-term solutions to increase the supply of, and access to affordable. . . [View Resource]
Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission
The Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission is looking at the current state of affordable housing in Nova Scotia and has been mandated to identify sustainable, and actionable long-term solutions to increase the supply of, and access to affordable. . . [View Resource]
Nova Scotia rent cap continues to pound small rental housing providers
New inflation numbers released today by Statistics Canada reflect the financial distress for
many of Nova Scotia’s 5,000 small rental housing providers. [View Resource]
P.E.I. landlords’ group says 0% rent cap for 2023 will force some to sell units
A bill to set rental increases for 2023 at zero per cent across the province passed in the P.E.I. Legislature on Wednesday. [View Resource]
Rent cap will expire this year, no extension, minister says
New Brunswick is not extending the rent cap it brought in this year to protect tenants against soaring increases. [View Resource]
Rent Control: Academic Research & Articles from Canada, the US & Abroad
Understanding BC’s History of Rent Control and Tax Policy to Improve Today’s Rental Housing Crisis-April 8, 2019. LandlordBC has produced a white paper, to illustrate the fact that in BC, between the 50s and mid-70s, when no rent controls existed,. . . [View Resource]
Rent Control’s Winners and Losers
Go to any booming urban center these days, whether in Boston or Washington or Atlanta, and one thing is certain: Rental costs are frighteningly high.
In San Francisco, perhaps the poster city for housing sticker shock, the average one-bedroom rents. . . [View Resource]
Rent Increase Misinformation
Nova Scotia’s NDP continues to make things up in its misinformation campaign against more than 5,000 small- and medium-sized landlords in the province. [View Resource]
Rental Housing Affordability In Nova Scotia, Gardner Pinfold Consulting
Rental Housing Affordability In NS Gardner Pinfold Report [View Resource]
Rental housing providers continue to be ignored by Houston government
Today’s cost of living announcement by Premier Tim Houston continues to ignore small rental housing providers who are struggling with the double-whammy of a 2% rent cap and skyrocketing energy costs. [View Resource]
Rental property sell-off puts affordable housing at risk
Thousands of Nova Scotians could lose their rental homes as small landlords are preparing to sell their properties.
A survey conducted in early November by the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia (IPOANS) showed that 51% of more. . . [View Resource]
Response to Rent Control Extendson
Kevin Russell, Executive Director of Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia, issued the following statement on today’s announcement from Premier Tim Houston and Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr: [View Resource]
Some cuts may be needed to lower Halifax tax increase
Halifax councillors send budget back to staff with goal of 4% instead of 8% increase to the average property tax bill. [View Resource]
Statement on Nova Scotia Election Result
Kevin Russell, Executive Director of Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia, issued the following statement about the Nova Scotia Election results: [View Resource]
Supreme Court rules on property rights in win for land developers
The Supreme Court of Canada has given developers and property owners a major victory, making it easier for them to sue governments over regulations that remove all reasonable uses of their lands. [View Resource]
Swiss rent-control model actually drives up rents
The Investment Property Owners of Nova Scotia (IPOANS) researched Switzerland’s rent-control regime. The research concluded that the Swiss rent-control regime actually created similar conditions to what we have been experiencing in Nova Scotia. [View Resource]
Switzerland is putting its housing crisis to a referendum
Amid rising rental prices in urban areas, Swiss voters are being asked to decide on a proposal that will impose a 10 per cent minimum quota of social and affordable housing on new residential development nationwide. Six out of 10 Swiss residents live. . . [View Resource]
Tenant worried about future as New Dawn sells affordable housing units in Sydney
Meaghan Morrison is worried about the future of affordable housing in Sydney, N.S., after finding out the social welfare agency that owns her apartment building is selling the property. [View Resource]
Tenants’ rights advocates, landlords speak out on decision to let rent caps expire
An amendment to the Residential Tenancy Act would not extend the cap past the end of the year. [View Resource]
The Housing and Homelessness Partnership
The Housing and Homelessness Partnership is a collaborative that engages the community at all levels. Nine partners from the three levels of government, private, and non-profit sector, came together in this community initiative with a mandate to end. . . [View Resource]
The Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia
Bill 62 – Interim Residential Rental Increase Cap Act: 5,400 multi-unit residential units and 3,600 single-family home and duplex rental units are at risk of being eliminated from Nova Scotia’s rental market. [View Resource]
The secret behind Halifax’s ability to build purpose-built rental housing at a record pace
Since the early 1970s, purpose-built rental (PBR) housing construction has taken a backseat in Canada to the homeownership market comprising freehold and condominium housing. [View Resource]
Tough choices ahead: HRM council prepares to grapple with budget
In his final appearance before council after announcing his resignation in the spring, Halifax’s outgoing Chief Administrative Officer Jacques Dubé delivered a warning to elected officials about the tough choices they’ll have to make in the not too. . . [View Resource]
Ursula Prossegger – Landlords shut out
Last year, I wrote to The Chronicle Herald about the challenges landlords like me face.
We must pay our taxes, regardless of whether tenants pay rent;
We bear all the risk in financing, operating, and maintaining housing;
There are no. . . [View Resource]
What does economic evidence tell us about the effects of rent control?
Steadily rising housing rents in many of the US’s large, productive cities have reignited the discussion whether to expand or enact rent control provisions. Under pressure to fight rising rents, state lawmakers in Illinois, Oregon, and California are. . . [View Resource]
Who Pays for Rent Control? Heterogeneous Landlord Response to San Francisco’s Rent Control Expansion
Steadily rising housing rents in many of the US’s large, productive cities has brought the issue of affordable housing to the forefront of the policy debate and reignited the discussion over expanding or enacting rent control provisions. [View Resource]
Why Rent Control Isn’t The Answer To Rising Housing Costs In N.S.
As of June of 2020, 91 percent of landlords in the province ran small operations, just renting out a few units each. That means only 9 percent are bigger companies that hire employees to run the properties. As of 2020, there were 6,289 landlords in. . . [View Resource]